Vincent “Vince” Lubuguin is an architectural technical officer for a construction company in Singapore. He is also a Pokémon fan and he has transformed his workstation into a Pokémon-themed space that I’m super envious of.
Apart from that, Lubuguin is also a Pokémon toy collector and content creator. He is such a huge fan that he converted his workstation into a Pokémon-inspired nook by personally designing and adorning it with pieces from his collection, to ease his boredom while working from home during the pandemic.
Lubuguin decided to make use of his collection in decorating his workspace at home after the Singaporean government imposed a two-month “circuit breaker” or lockdown in April 2020 due to the growing clusters of COVID-19 cases there. At the same time, they were advised by their employer to work from home.
I think a Charizard rug would really tie the room together though. Just sayin’.
Follow Vince on Instagram and YouTube for more of the same Pokémon-themed content.