Nintendo / Pokémon

What are the shiny chain odds in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl?

In case you missed it, here are the shiny chain odds for when you use the PokéRadar to shiny hunt in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl:

  • 0 Encounters: 1 in 4096 (~0.24%)
  • 10 Encounters: 1 in 2521 (~0.40%)
  • 20 Encounters: 1 in 1820 (~0.55%)
  • 30 Encounters: 1 in 1310 (~0.76%)
  • 35 Encounters: 1 in 1192 (~0.84%)
  • 36 Encounters: 1 in 993 (~0.10%)
  • 37 Encounters: 1 in 799 (~0.13%)
  • 38 Encounters: 1 in 400 (0.25%)
  • 39 Encounters: 1 in 200 (0.5%)
  • 40+ Encounters: 1 in 99 (~1.01%)

Some other tips:

  • Stock up on Max Repel
  • Always go for tiles 4 away from where you are in o
  • Catch everything for highest continue rate (you reduce your odds if you knock the Pokémon out)
  • Once you’ve reached 40 encounters, walk 50 steps to recharge until shiny patch appears. If you don’t get a shiny patch, walk abother 50 steps and repeat
  • Beware of the dreaded 7% chain break. It can come at any time.
  • May the RNG gods be on your side!

And if you want to see this all in action, watch Osirus’s tutorial video below.

(h/t @Sibuna_Switch on Twitter and Kotaku)

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