
Capcom announces 3 new amiibo for Monster Hunter Rise launch

Exciting news for Monster Hunter and amiibo fans.

Capcom gave extensive looks at their new game, Monster Hunter Rise, during their digital event on 7th January. Amongst all the new monsters and locations you’ll be able to explore, they also announced a selection of brand new amiibo to coincide with the game’s release.

The three amiibo will feature:

You can also use of the three amiibo to unlock special armor in-game.

The amiibo will be released on March 26, 2021, the same day as Monster Hunter Rise. However, Capcom confirmed a demo will be available on the Switch between today and 1st Feb.

For price updates and availability in US and Europe, check out Nintendo Life’s page. You can also buy Monster Hunter Rise: Collector’s Edition on Amazon and get the Magnamalo amiibo as part of the collection.

Stream the full digital event below.