Tag: retro gaming
Gaming / Nintendo / PlayStation / SEGA
Here's a list of CRT shaders and how they performed on my RG 40XXV
TN Truong's perfect gifts for “the gamer who has everything”
Tiny Best Selector is a tool to help you combat choice paralysis when you have a lot of games to play. Based on the Tiny Best Set: GO! set of ROMs for a variety of consoles (Google it to find the link).
Wow, Hilligoss Bakery in Indiana uses two Commodore 64’s as point of sale systems: According to a person who visited the store back in 2009, the co-owner of the bakery Michael Hilligloss stated that the computers were originally bought from Sears in the early 80s, and are running custom code written in assembler as they couldn’t find any software available that would take into account Indiana’s weird tax laws.
(via Time Extension)